Sneha Kiran School  

Site Area | 1 Acre

Built-up area |  10,000 sq. ft.

Location | Mysore

Year of Completion | 2015


Sneha Kiran is an NGO working relentlessly with Mentally challenged children to help integrate them into the mainstream of the society. In this school we have tried to design with the central focus being accessibility, free flowing spaces with vibrant colors. We have been able to accommodate specialized spaces for Hydrotherapy, Physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and so on. The spaces are organized around a central courtyard which becomes a safe space for recreational and creative student activites. The programs were largely categorized under training, treatment, counseling and learning. The structure of the school was such that parents had to wait around while their children were in class. Recognizing this, spaces were provided for the parents to associate with each other and make productive use of their time at the campus through vocational training programs.