Dr. Parpia House

Site area | 10000 sq. ft.         

Built-up area | 4500 sq. ft.

Location | Mysore

Year of competition | 2007


 The site was located in a beautiful teak plantation and had a natural slope towards the rear, hence a natural ramp led to the car parking in the lower ground floor. From there steps leading up to the main house blend with the landscape and the elevated indoor spaces could enjoy the view of the plantation. The use of stone in the structure further roots it to its natural environment. The internal courtyard is another prominent feature of the house. It brings the natural elements into the house becoming the melting point for the various household activities. The entire house was designed for the easy use by the elderly client, with an alternate entry by a ramp, costumed fixture heights, railings, floor finishes etc. This was possible as both architectural and interior works was taken up by us.